Diamonds in the Sewer

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Living Books and the Books We Live.

This month our family is reading "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist" -- aka Marx guest stars on Monty Python. It's probably the only history changing social expose that will leave you laughing out loud, as well as having explodng pastors in it.

For all kinds of reasons I have a lot of mental energy floating around, so I started doing Nanowrimo today. Good way to write about what's going on while taking advantage of the only time of the year where there isn't a whole lot to do besides planning, plotting, and politicing.

The working title is Noonie, the Succubus --- Magic with a Ye -Ye beat. I'm going to try to make it completely off the wall with a nod to Robert Asprin and Jo Clayton.

One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. - Chinese Proverb

Passing on what my parents taught me and showing a good example is the best I can give Nicholas.



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