Diamonds in the Sewer

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Countries and People in Debt

World wide pressure for debt relief for third world countries is growing. According to Confessions of an Economic Hitman plying leaders with huge debts that they could not repay was done deliberately.

I can't help but compare that model to the student debt system -- if people spend years of their lives paying back money that they never saw -- that got paid right back into the state -- and did not benefit from, their debt can be sold to a third party.

It's big business now, buying and selling debt. Given that U.S. savings rate is now in the negative there are going to be a lot more people who find themselves as part of the trading chips in this system.

Eventually they too aren't going to pay, just like third world countries are doing. Right now there's a bit private industry around it, check it out:

I'm having a really good time finding out about debt in micro and macroeconomics. It's all the company store, when taken down to the mesh holding it up. Don't buy your grocieries where you work, don't pay right back to where you get your money.



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